Enticement And Motivation Concept As A Carrot Pulled On A Wire As A Metaphor For Marketing Reward To Attract And Encourage A Followed With A 3D Render.

Staying Motivated

How many times have you set a goal, a big goal, and not achieved it? Maybe you were really dedicated when you set that goal. People are motivated in different ways, and sometimes, we have to set up goal plans in a way that keeps us motivated. Since everyone is different, there really are many successful ways to plan out your goals. These suggestions may not all apply to everyone. Some of you are such go-getters that you set your mind to something making it “appear” effortless (not that it is). But, most of us need more motivation along the way. Here are some ways to help you reach your long-term goals.

Stay Focused on the Why

The most important thing you have to know about setting your goal is the WHY.  Why do you want to reach your goal? Why is it important? Know the benefits that you will realize once you reach your goal. Once you know your why, stay focused on those benefits.

Change Your Habits

When setting your goal, think about what habits you will have to start and which ones you will have to quit. Any goal worth doing will require some change on your part. You might have to start doing something new or doing something in a different way. You might have to stop doing something. For instance, if your goal is to lower your blood pressure, you might have to quit smoking.

Set a Streak

When setting long-term goals sometimes it’s easier to pay attention to the daily task that will help you achieve that goal rather than focusing on the long-term vision. Still keep the vision top of mind, but focus on what needs to be done now in order to get you there later. One example is Chris Downie who wrote a book called The Spark. In his book, he tells the story about wanting to gain energy and stamina. So, he decided to exercise 10-minutes every day. He thought that one little change would help him feel healthier and more energized. Chris started working out and never missed a day.

Decide Who You Have to Be

Think about what type of person you have to be in order to reach this goal. If you are thinking about starting a business, you might have to get out of your shell, and be a little more outgoing. Maybe you like sitting behind your computer instead of getting out and socializing. You will have to go to networking events.

Do you want to buy a house? Then maybe you won’t be the person who is always coming into the office wearing a new pair of shoes. You might have to become someone who saves her money. Also, think about your goal and what type of person you visualize yourself to be once you reach that goal. That’s the person you have to become while you’re trying to achieve it.

Get Back on the Horse

If for some reason you get off track, just get back on. Don’t worry about changing anything, doing anything differently, or preparing anything in order to get back on track, just do it. Too many times we get off track, and we beat ourselves up. Don’t. Just start where you left off and make progress.